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The Dragon or the Celestial Snake has always been the most well known representative of magical powers. It breathes fire which symbolized the pure magical energy. Furthermore, the Dragon represents the connection between earth and sky, i.e. the magical power which flows between earth and sky. However, there are often two distinct Dragons: One representing the earth and the other representing the sky. Furthermore, the Dragon like the Snake is a symbol representing immortality.

In the prechristian traditions of Northern Europe the dragon stands for spiritual power and the land. Thus, the right to rule is often justified by the claim to be a son of the dragon. In Norse Mythology The Giant Sea Serpent or Midgard Serpent called Jörmungandr enclose the world by surrounding the Earth and grasp his own tail. The Celtic Dragon represents leadership and purity.

In Asia the dragon is always a symbol of good fortune und magical power. In the Altaic Mythology it is the symbol of might and power. The Chinese Dragon is one of the potent symbols in the Chinese culture.

The MesoAmerican Mythology knows the Aztec Quetzalcoatl or the Mayan Gukumatz as the Vision Serpent or the Feathered Snake.

However, in the cultures of the Mediterranian and the Middle East the Dragon is a force which has to be defeated. Furthermore in Biblical and Christian tradition the Dragon represents the evil force. Especially, in the legends of the middle age the figure of the Dragon Slayer appears very frequently.

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