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In any religion or magical practice the Powers of Nature play a central role. Especially, the so called Tribal or Indigenous Religions worship natural forces or gods which are directly connected to these forces. Nature and Life have spiritual property which can be described by the Spirits Of Nature.

Nature and Life

Each life has always been considered to inherit a spiritual property by its own or is at least connected to the Universal Source. This link is often called the Breath of Life or the Energy of Life. Thus, Life itself is a spiritual entity by itself. Furthermore, this spiritual energy is a powerful source and can be used to gain personal power for oneself.

The Celestials

The most important powers are the powers of Earth and Sky. The interplay of the Celestial Powers drives the natural changes including the periodic changes of nature over the year in terms of the Seasons or the periodic change over day. Spiritually, the most important celestial bodies are the Sun and the Moon. The spiritual energy of the Celestials is a powerful source and can be used to gain personal power for oneself.

The Weather

The next important natural power is the Weather , including Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightning etc. The spiritual energy of the Weather is a powerful source and can be used to gain personal power for oneself.

The Landscape

The landscape itself has spiritual importance. Temples and churches are erected at special places having a special power. Furthermore, prominent locations like Mountains, Volcanoes, The Sea, Lakes, Rivers have special powers, too. The spiritual energy of the Landscape itself or of special places is a powerful source and can be used to gain personal power for oneself.

The Animals

In the the beginning of mankind the animals were often much more powerful than humans. Thus, some animals carry these forces spiritually, too. Thus, we may speak of Magical Animals. Furthermore, some spiritual properties were blended into Mythical Animals which may represent natural powers by an animal and not by a god or goddess. The spiritual energy of the Spirits Of Animals is a powerful source and can be used to gain personal power for oneself.

The Plants

Similar to animals plants have spiritual properties as well. Any plant may have a individual spirit. Nevertheless, important plants may be represented by a special god or goddess. Especially, the trees were considered to have special magical powers. The Magical Trees were either worshiped as a special spiritual entity or were associated to a specific god. Furthermore, the Crop Plants or the Medical Plants were considered to have special spiritual powers. The spiritual energy of the Spirits Of Plants is a powerful source and can be used to gain personal power for oneself.

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