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The Raven is the bird of magical knowledge and wisdom. Furthermore it is the messenger between the world of the ancestors and the living.

In the Norse Mythology two Ravens called Hugin and Munin were the messenger of Odin.

In the Persian Zoroastrianism ravens used to be used in burital rites in ancient times cleaning the flesh off the bones.

In North American Mythology ravens would guide the souls after death.

The bird family of corvids (lat. Corvidae) are common on all continents (besides the arctic regions). The natural diet of many corvid species is omnivorous, consisting of invertebrates, nestlings, small mammals, berries, fruits, seeds, and carrion. Some feed on the dead and thus these birds have been connected to the world of the dead, i.e. to be the guide of the deceased souls on their journey to the world of the dead. Thus, many old burial rites include ravens or crows.

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