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The Number 6 - The Full Circle

The number 6 is the division of the Three Entities.

Thus gives six pieces, representing the movements or the flow of energy between the three entities.

The number 6 relates to tact, beauty and harmony. It is very much a relationship builder which corresponds to one-on-one encounters. It deals with that which we are attracted to and those things we find great pleasure in. Six possesses charm, grace and the ability to make small talk on any stratum, and is therefore much of a diplomat. Six is very nurturing, and is considered the mother/father number. Six can also denote perfectionism, as it is the first Perfect Number.

The Number 12 - The Complete Circle

The number 12 is the division of the Full Circle.

Dividing the representing the energy flow, gives twelve directions of. It is considered to be the ancient number of completion as it signals the end of childhood and the beginning stages of adulthood. Additionally, the ancient numbering and measuring systems are based on this number.

The day has twelve hours, as has the night.
The year has twelve months.
The zodiac has twelve signs.

12 is a higher octave of the number three and is an indicator of great understanding and wisdom. Much of its knowledge is gleaned from life experiences, which enables a sense of calm to prevail in even the most turbulent of situations.

The Cyclic Flow of Energy

The number 6 which is the number 3 multiplied by 2 is the full cycle.
The number 12 which is the number 6 multiplied by 2 is the complete cycle.
The number 24 which is the number 12 multiplied by 2 represents the 24 hours of day.
Furthermore, the number 36 which is the number 6 to the power of 6 has a high significance in spiritual practice.
Thus the sequence 2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, ... contain numbers connected to the cyclic flow of energy in nature.

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