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The number 3 represents the three entities.

In the middle of the Two Oposites a zone of moderate climate is created. Between the extreme there is the middle way.

In the middle of the Two Opposites named Sky and Earth, the two representing nature, the human is placed. The energy of life is formed by mixing the energy of Sky and Earth.

The number 3 solves the discord created in the polarity of two, resulting in a new integration and wholeness. This can be seen in the divisions of a human: mind, body, and spirit, whose unification makes us whole, our visible world is three dimensional. Three can also relate to expansiveness and learning through life experiences. It is considered to be lucky, and is often associated with money and good fortune. Three can depict several people joining together to achieve a common goal, whether through a social or professional affiliation. Three also represents communication of all kinds, expression, drama, acting, and humor. It also represents the number associated with creativity. As a basis of all creation, the blending of creative energy of one (male) and two (female) create new life, so the resulting creation is associated with the number three.

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