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In the universe there are two sources of energy namely the Sky and the Earth. The Yang energy, depicted by the white color, flows from the Sky to the Earth. The Yin energy, depicted by the black color, flows from the Earth to the Sky. The energy flow creates movement, depicted by the wave line. But, the Yang can not exist without the Yin and vice versa. Thus, each contains the other, depicted by the small dots.

The Creation of Yin and Yang

The Principle of Yin and Yang is rooted in the Chinese oldest philosophy the Daoism.
In the Beginning of the World the Dao was divided into the Sky and the Earth. Two different Forces are generated. The Yang belongs to the Sky and the Yin belongs to the Earth. This division causes chance, movement, and time. Thus, a continuous flow of Qi from Yang to Yin and vice versa shapes the world.

The Human Beings

The human beings, i.e. all living beings, live between Sky and Earth in the middle of the central two forces. A place where the opposite forces are fused in a moderate way. Thus, the middle line in the monade represents not only the movement between Yin and Yang but also it represents all living things.

Properties of Yin and Yang


The Flow of Qi

Any flow of Qi has Yin and Yang properties. Thus, the quality of Qi may be more Yang or Yin dependent on the Time of Day, season of the year etc. There are different cycles interconnecting having different cycle times. Thus, the flow of Qi is like a clock with all the wheels interacting. Thus, even if you meet at the same place the flow of i is different since the cosmic clock is ticking away. No place and time will ever be exactly the same. Nevertheless, the Qi flows periodically from Yin to Yang and vice versa. Giving everything a rhythm and some properties which reoccur periodically.

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