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Christianity began in the 1st century as a late Second Temple Jewish sect. Thus, the immediate religious context of Christianity was Judaism. Jesus, the apostles, and the earliest converts to Christianity were Jewish or Jewish Proselytes and their teachings were presented in a Jewish context.

From Palestine Christianity was brought to Cyprus, Greece and Italy, especially by the Apostle Paulus. Thus, the schools of Greek philosophy and their teachings entered the Christian religion. This created a major division between Hellenistic and non-Hellenistic Jews, or Koine Greek (Acts 6) and Aramaic (Acts 1:19) speakers.

Once it was determined to allow Gentiles into the Church, Christianity began to spread throughout the Mediterranean world, especially in the Roman Empire. In Italy, the Roman mainland, the Christians suffered from sporadic persecutions for their refusal to worship the Roman emperor for almost 250 years. In 313 the Roman emperor Constantine converted becoming the first Christian emperor. Thenceforward, Christianity had become the state religion of Rome and spread over all Europe. From there on, it became the fundamental religion in Europe in the Middle Age and spread over the world to the Modern Christianity of today.

Take a look at some discussion sides which try to provide some information concerning the History of Christianity: History at Religious Tolerance

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