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The Bird Of Prey is one of the most common animals known for his spiritual powers. Since they are predators the Talons are a symbol for strength and power. Thus, the Bird Of Prey is often used in a similar fashion as the the Cat Of Prey. Furthermore, the bird surveys it's prey from above overlooking the surrounding. The same mission has a commander of an army to perform. Thus, the Bird Of Prey is a symbol for command or royalty. Since the bird has Wings which allow travel to the sky it is connected to the spiritual worlds as well.

The Eagle

Since the Eagle is the biggest bird of prey it is the most common symbol. Furthermore, eagles exist all over the world and appear in all religious traditions.

In the Mesoamerican Mythology the Eagle is the symbol of one of the two warrior elites (the other one beeing the Jaguar).

Species of the eagle live on all continents except Antarctica. The eagle is of the family Falconiformes.

The Condor

The Condor lives in the mountains of South America and California only. Thus, it appears only in the traditions of the Inca and other cultures of the Andes. Nevertheless, it is the biggest bird of prey and has a prominent role.

Condors are two species of the family Cathartidae.

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