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During and after the Industrial Revolution many people felt more and more alienated by the technical development. Around the middle of the 18th century a strong longing for a strong and unspoiled force apart from rational reasoning spawned the era of Romanticism. Artists emphasized intuition, imagination, and feeling as the true source for their work. Human feelings like eternal yearning or excited passion became the subject and the true source of artistic work.

The respect for nature or rather the return to mother nature became a major subject. Here, the French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau was quite important to the development of Romanticism. Furthermore, artists started to take an interest on the supernatural or occult. Thus, Magic became another major topic.

The English Romanticism was expressed exceedingly in English literature. Some important authors of the Romantic English Literature are e.g. Sir Walter Scott George Gordon (Lord) Byron (read some of Byron's poems at Poem Hunter or Online Literature), Mary Shelley, and John Keats. The yearning for melancholy, sad feelings, or the dead wish itself created the subgenre of Gothic in art and literature.

In recent times a more humorous approach has become quite popular, too. Especially, stories with magical content taking place in our everyday life, e.g. regular school life like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Actually, the most popular example is of course Harry Potter.

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