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Magical traditions are present in all cultures. But in our present life only traces can be found and magical traditions have become touristic folklore. However, in the ancient cultures magical practices were a natural part of cultural life. Thus, we should take a look at the ancient cultures.

(North) Europe

The north of Europe here means the part of Europe which has evolved apart from the direct Greco-Roman influences. The cultures of the Iberian Peninsula, France and the British Isles became influenced by the Romans very lately. Furthermore, all the cultures which developed North of the Alps like Germany, Denmark, Scandinavia, Island and East Europe developed quite distinct from the Mediterranean Cultures. These European Cultures share common traditions which shows that their are all linked together.

Today, the introduction of Christianity linked the North of Europe and the Mediterranean South of Europe together.


The south part of Europe has been dominated by the Greco-Roman culture. But even before the Greek or Roman culture became dominant the cultures at the Mediterranean and the Black Sea share a common heritage. Thus, we can subsume the ancient cults and cultures of the Mediterranean to the Mediterranean Cultures.

Today, the introduction of Christianity linked the North of Europe and the Mediterranean South of Europe together. Whereas, in the North of Africa the Islam is the predominant religion.

Middle East

The cultural development in the Middle East can not be viewed separately from the Mediterranean culture. There was and is an important interchange culturally and religiously.

However, the flow of development was more directed from the Middle East into the Mediterranean than vice versa. Thus, the Cultures of the Middle East can be viewed as the seed of cultural development for the Orient and the Occident.

Furthermore, all these ancient cultures of the Middle East had a lot of influences on the Abrahamic Religions which represent the most common religions in the Middle East today.


In Asia the cultural roots are still very strong. The Cultures of Asia had a very long tradition which developed apart from Western culture.

All these ancient traditions of Asia are linked to the Dharmic Religions which represent the most common religions in Asia today.


The cultural roots of Africa goes deep into the past. The African Cultures had a development apart from the other cultures. Just the cultures of Nubia which had close connection to the cultures of Egypt at the river Nile.

Today, the introduction of Christianity and the Islam shape the religious face of Africa. However, African traditions are integrated the current religions.


After the first settlers moved from the North of Asia into America in the time of the last Ice Age the cultural development of America evolved quite independently. Just the cultures in the Arctic regions of the far north of America preserved their cultural connections to Asia. However, these independent cultural traditions came to an end after the European arrived. Today, Christianity is the most common religion. Nevertheless, in Middle and South America native traditions and religious practices have been integrated into the Roman Catholicism.

America can be roughly divided into three parts which evolved cultural independent:

North America with its North American Cultures,

Middle America having a common tradition which are shared between all
Meso America Cultures,

South America having a common tradition which are shared between all
South American Cultures. However, these traditions are quite distinct from the MesoAmerica traditions.

Australia and the Pacific Ocean

The cultural development of Australia with their Aborigines Culture is quite separated from the cultural development of the other cultures in the Pacific region.

The Oceanic Cultures of the Pacific Ocean are all connected and share a common heritage.

Today, the introduction of Christianity and the Islam shape the religious face of these regions, too. However, most traditions are still very strong.

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