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All the ancient traditions from myth, legend or religious teachings share a common knowledge. Maybe, this is not surprising, since we all share the fundamental questions of mankind. Which are still: Where are we from? and Where are we going to? The first question leads to legends of the Creation of the World. The second question leads to legends of the World of the Afterlife.

In the early days of mankind, may we call it at the Dawn of Time, legends were used to store knowledge. This knowledge was necessary to survive. Knowledge about nature was as important as recordings of the deeds and thoughts of the ancestors. Any knowledge was viewed as an holistic view onto the world and the people living in this world. Thus, historical recording and religious beliefs were blended into the Mythology of Ancient Cultures.

In the course of time legends were intermingle and persons were fused to a single character when there were similar properties or a similar course of action in the narrative. This occurred whenever the social or cultural background changed. At the time when the traditions started to be recored by scripture most of the natural sources were represented by a single person only. Furthermore, cultural responsibilities, virtues, and examples were integrated into the historical accounts.

The ancient myths often report of wars and fights between the gods. In most of the cases this can be interpreted literally. New settlers conquered a native culture. However, the resident traditions entered the victorious culture and the historical battle is recorded in the tales. Furthermore, native habits and customs fused into the new and foreign culture.

Each god or godess in any ancient Pantheon rather represent the major god or gods of different cultures which have been very important at the time. This explains why so many gods have the some properties in the same mythology. Furthermore, this shows that Polytheism is in reality not so "polyothrophic" as it seems to an outsider. Someone living at the time was not worshiping necessary all the gods available. Probably, the concept of Monotheism was at any times as popular as today.

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