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At the Dawn of Time it was important for survival to communicate with nature and the ancestors spiritually. The later were always addressed as the deceased persons. Thus, Worship of the Ancestors was always a personal experience.
Communicating with the Spirit of an ancestors was as natural as speaking to a living person. The term spirit is derived from the Latin spiritus, meaning "breath" but also "soul", indicating the part of a person which remains after death, in the Afterlife.

Personification of Nature

In former times there were the spirits of nature and the spirits of the ancestors. Nevertheless, a presence of a spirit may only be felt. Natural powers, can always be feld. The identification with a spiritual property was quite natural. Since, the belief in Animism that "everything is alive", "everything is conscious" or "everything has a soul" can be used synonymously. Thus, the belief that natural powers are ruled by spirits of nature can be extended to include the belief that personalized, supernatural beings (or souls) endowed with reason, intelligence and volition inhabit ordinary objects as well as animate beings, and govern their existence. Thus, the Powers of Nature were often identified by a specific character or person.

The God and the Goddess

In all cults and religions there are still some traces of the Dual Principle in personification. In the beginning of time any natural source had a dual representation, i.e. a male and a female characteristic.
In the course of time the personifications become stronger and natural forces became persons with an own identity. Thus, each natural source was represented by a couple of a male god and a female goddess. Later on, historical persons affiliated the properties of the god or goddess which was connected to the natural forces. Furthermore, different persons fused and occurred as a single character in the myths and legends.
In history some properties became more important than others. Hence, some gods became superior to others or some of the gods vanished entirely. At the time when the traditions started to be recored by scripture most of the natural sources were represented by a single person only. Thus, any of the Mythology of Ancient Cultures consists of an heterogeneous Pantheon.

A Single God

The personification of the Universal Source leads to the realization of an omnipotent, eternal God; who need not to be male by default. Who is the core of any monotheistic religions (Monotheism).

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